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  1.  66
    Happiness: A Revolution in Economics.Bruno S. Frey - 2008 - MIT Press.
    Revolutionary developments in economics are rare. The conservative bias of the field and its enshrined knowledge make it difficult to introduce new ideas not in line with received theory. Happiness research, however, has the potential to change economics substantially in the future. Its findings, which are gradually being taken into account in standard economics, can be considered revolutionary in three respects: the measurement of experienced utility using psychologists' tools for measuring subjective well-being; new insights into how human beings value goods (...)
  2. Volksabstimmungen, Politische Ökonomie und Diskursethik.Bruno S. Frey & Gebhard Kirchgässner - 1993 - Analyse & Kritik 15:129-149.
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    Ein ipsatives Modell menschlichen Verhaltens: Ein Beitrag zur Ökonomie und Psychologie.Bruno S. Frey - 1988 - Analyse & Kritik 10 (2):181-205.
    Human beings under some conditions tend to systematically overestimate their possibilities, under others to underestimate what is possible for them. This behaviour can be explained by differentiating between an ipsative possibility set (which includes what individuals consider relevant for themselves) and on objective one. These two possibility sets do not necessarily coincide. The difference may firstly be due to psychologicol processes as well as factors such as tradition and ideology. The difference may secondly be strategically designed by the individuals themselves (...)
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    Economics and psychology: Imperialism or inspiration?Bruno S. Frey & Matthias Benz - unknown
    Economics and psychology are both sciences of human behaviour. This paper gives a survey of their interaction. First, the changing relationship between the two sciences is discussed: while economics was once imperialistic, it has become a science inspired by psychological insights. In order to illustrate this, recent developments and evidence for three major areas are presented: bounded rationality, non-selfish behaviour, and the economics of happiness.
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  5. Inspiring Economics: Human Motivation in Political Economy.Bruno S. Frey - 2004 - Science and Society 68 (1):113-115.
  6.  32
    Moral und ökonomische Anreize: Der Verdrängungseffekt.Bruno S. Frey - 1997 - In Rainer Hegselmann & Hartmut Kliemt, Moral Und Interesse: Zur Interdisziplinären Erneuerung der Moralwissenschaften. München: Oldenbourg Wissenschaftsverlag. pp. 111-132.
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  7. Die Autoren dieses Heftes.Andreas Balog, Michael Baurmann, Bruno S. Frey, Stefan Hölscher, Norbert Hoerster, Gebhard Kirchgässner, Hartmut Kliemt, Peter Koller, Julian Nida-Rümelin & Ernst Tugendhat - 1992 - Analyse & Kritik 14.
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  8. ‘‘Just forget it.’’ Memory distortions as bounded rationality.Bruno S. Frey - 2005 - Mind and Society 4 (1):13-25.
    Distortions in memory impose important bounds on rationality but have been largely disregarded in economics. While it is possible to learn, it is more difficult, and sometimes impossible, to unlearn. This retention effect lowers individual utility directly or via reduced productivity, and adds costs to principal-agent relationships. The engraving effect states that the more one tries to forget a piece of information the more vivid it stays in memory, leading to a paradoxical outcome. The effects are based on, and are (...)
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  9.  55
    Cooperation, communication and communitarianism: An experimental approach.Bruno S. Frey & Iris Bohnet - 1996 - Journal of Political Philosophy 4 (4):322–336.
  10.  29
    De l'équité du marché : Résultats d'un sondage sur les opinions de la population.Bruno S. Frey & Werner W. Pommerehne - 1991 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 2 (4):449-464.
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  11.  20
    Economics and Psychology: A Promising New Cross-Disciplinary Field.Bruno S. Frey & Alois Stutzer (eds.) - 2007 - MIT Press.
    The integration of economics and psychology has created a vibrant and fruitful emerging field of study. The essays in Economics and Psychology take a broad view of the interface between these two disciplines, going beyond the usual focus on "behavioral economics." As documented in this volume, the influence of psychology on economics has been responsible for a view of human behavior that calls into question the assumption of complete rationality, the acceptance of experiments as a valid method of economic research, (...)
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    Flexible citizenship for a global society.Bruno S. Frey - 2003 - Politics, Philosophy and Economics 2 (1):93-114.
    States are ill equipped to meet the challenges of a globalized world. The concept of citizenship with its rights and obligations, including the allegiance owed, is too narrowly defined to exist only between individuals and a state. Today, people identify with, and pay allegiance to, many organizations beyond the state. This article suggests that citizenship could be extended further and be possible between individuals and quasi-governmental organizations, as well as non-governmental organizations, such as churches, clubs, interest groups, functional organizations and (...)
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  13. Gobierno flexible para un mundo globalizado.Bruno S. Frey - 2005 - Isonomía. Revista de Teoría y Filosofía Del Derecho 23:37-50.
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    Globalisierung ohne Weltregierung.Bruno S. Frey - 2003 - Analyse & Kritik 25 (2):121-134.
    Since international trade leads to prosperity, most economics are in favor of globalization. This basic conviction is shared in this paper. Several standard arguments brought forward by critics of globalization - e.g. the claims that globalization increases poverty, destroys jobs, undermines the welfare state, enables international corporations to seize power and leads to environmental degradation and uniform culture - are shown to be invalid. Nevertheless, compared to orthodox economists, a more critical view of globalization is proposed in this paper, and (...)
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    L’effet de transfert de motivation.Bruno S. Frey - 1990 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 1 (3):225-252.
  16. Subjective Well-Being and Policy.Bruno S. Frey & Jana Gallus - 2013 - Topoi 32 (2):207-212.
    This paper analyses whether the aggregation of individual happiness scores to a National Happiness Index can still be trusted once governments have proclaimed their main objective to be the pursuit—or even maximization—of this National Happiness Index. The answer to this investigation is clear-cut: as soon as the National Happiness Index has become a policy goal, it can no longer be trusted to reflect people’s true happiness. Rather, the Index will be systematically distorted due to the incentive for citizens to answer (...)
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  17.  13
    The Crucial Role of Reactivity in Economic Science.Bruno S. Frey - 2018 - In Peter Rona & Laszlo Zsolnai, Economic Objects and the Objects of Economics. Springer Verlag. pp. 141-150.
    Many academic economists take it as a matter of course that economics should become a natural science. Such a characterization misses an essential aspect of a social science, namely reactivity, i.e. human beings systematically respond to economic data, and in particular to interventions by economic policy, in a foreseeable way. To illustrate this finding, the paper uses examples from different fields: happiness policy, world heritage policy, and science policy. Reactivity requires a different policy approach from governments claiming to maximize social (...)
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  18.  48
    The Ranking Of Economists And Management Scientists In Europe A Quantitative Analysis.Bruno S. Frey & Reiner Eichenberger - 2000 - Journal des Economistes Et des Etudes Humaines 10 (4):575-582.
    Cet article présente une analyse statistique de la position des économistes français et des spécialistes français des sciences de gestion parmi les chercheurs européens de haut rang. La preuve empirique révèle que la France ne développe pas fortement ses ressources humaines sur la scène internationale. La position de la France en Europe, repérée par les citations et les nominations par les pairs des chercheurs de haut rang et normalisée par la taille de la population, est seulement au neuvième rang en (...)
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  19.  34
    Unerwünschte Projekte, Kompensation und Akzeptanz.Bruno S. Frey - 1997 - Analyse & Kritik 19 (1):3-14.
    Democracies find it difficult, and sometimes impossible to get through projects desired by a large share of the population because these are strongly opposed by local residents (NIMBY: Not In My BackYard). As a solution for these conflicts, economists proposed offering (monetary) compensation to the citizens of the host community. Experiences with many different projects and countries reveal, however, that monetary payments are incapable of solving the NIMBY-problem. A monetary offer to accept an otherwise undesired project undermines civic virtue. This (...)
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  20.  31
    Withering Academia.Bruno S. Frey - 2010 - Analyse & Kritik 32 (2):285-296.
    Strong forces lead to a withering of academia as it exists today. The major causal forces are the rankings mania, increased division of labor in research, intense publication pressure, academic fraud, dilution of the concept of ‘university’, and inadequate organizational forms for modern research. Academia, in a broader sense understood as ‘the locus of seeking truth and learning through methodological inquiry’, will subsist in different forms. The conclusion is therefore pessimistic with respect to the academic system as it presently exists (...)
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  21.  19
    A Pragmatic Approach to Migration.Margit Osterloh & Bruno S. Frey - 2018 - Analyse & Kritik 40 (2):329-336.
    This reply focusses on three aspects: advantages and disadvantages of our proposed ‘cooperative entry certificates’ for the countries of origin, for the migrants, and for the host countries. It analyzes in what respects our proposal can be improved based on the valuable points made by the commentators. In addition, the question of how to deal with winners and losers within the three groups is discussed.
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    Cooperatives Instead of Migration Partnerships.Margit Osterloh & Bruno S. Frey - 2018 - Analyse & Kritik 40 (2):201-226.
    Large-scale migration is one of the most topical issues of our time. There are two main problems. First, millions of persons will enter Europe in the short and middle run in spite of the firewalls we have built. When the income levels in the development countries raises, the migration pressure will even become stronger for a long time. Second, the present integration policy in most European countries is deficient. In contrast to common knowledge, strong social benefits for migrants, multicultural policies (...)
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    Concordia discors: Or: What do economists think?Werner W. Pommerehne, Friedrich Schneider, Guy Gilbert & Bruno S. Frey - 1984 - Theory and Decision 16 (3):251-308.